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Veronica stricta

Koromiko, Hebe stricta

Veronica stricta

Maori name: Koromiko
Other name: Hebe stricta
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How to order

If you want to buy plants, please email or text Olga.
Phone: 021 119 0998

Pick up is available.
Address: 277 Kepa Road, Auckland, 1071


Grows to a height of 2m.

Veronica stricta, commonly known as Koromiko, is a fast-growing, evergreen shrub endemic to New Zealand, particularly the North Island. Originally classified under the genus Hebe as Hebe stricta, it has since been reclassified to its current botanical name. This attractive small tree is well-known for its long, thin, pointed leaves that resemble those of willows, and its striking white to mauve-tinged bottlebrush-like flowers, which appear in dense inflorescences longer than the leaves during the summer months.

Koromiko is a hardy plant that thrives in full sun and prefers free-draining soil. It is frost tender but can tolerate windy coastal conditions, making it suitable for a variety of landscapes, including revegetation projects, where it is favored for its rapid growth and ability to act as a pioneer species. It is often found in open habitats, such as the edges of bushlands and wetlands, where it can tolerate wetter areas.

Koromiko is a versatile plant used in mixed plantings, informal hedges, and around water features like ponds and streams. It also attracts bees, contributing to the local ecosystem. Regular pruning is recommended to maintain a good shape, ensuring that it remains an attractive and functional part of the landscape.



  • Attract birds
  • Attract bees
  • Pioneer plant
  • Riparian Plantings

Growing Conditions

  • Full sun
  • Frost Resistant
  • Wind Tolerant
  • Salt Resistant
  • Wetland